About Ceramco, Inc.
The more you know about Ceramco, the easier it becomes to consider us your source
for almost all your technical ceramic products. To that end, this Website is dedicated
to the enlightenment needed to aid you in reaching that decision. The story we’ve told
in these Web pages, while comprehensive, will never be complete because its cast of
characters (our customers) and the challenges they bring are constantly growing and
with it, our story.
With enlightenment comes empowerment. While many of your questions about Ceramco will be answered here, we hope what you will learn only encourages you to want to learn more.
Manufacturing Ceramic Components Since 1982
Ceramco is an OEM manufacturer of OEM technical ceramics of complex geometries for customer-specific applications serving numerous markets, including:
OUR CUSTOMERS: Ceramco enjoys on-going relationships with businesses of all sizes in dozens of industries. The markets we showcase were selected to illustrate the scope of environmental extremes and application requirements Ceramco’s OEM components routinely address.
Ceramco also produces and inventories a comprehensive line of stock ceramic fasteners for general use in applications that demand the properties offered only by a ceramic. An array of stock fasteners in both alumina and zirconia are immediately available for shipment from our E-commerce fastener portal.
Expertise. Value. Capability!
Many methods will yield a finished ceramic part. Knowing which method is the best choice requires manufacturing expertise. Ceramco has the expertise and the in-house capability to match your part to the best method.
Ceramco capability delivers on the promise of expertise and value on every part we make.
People Making it Happen
every page of this Website includes a paragraph about Ceramco’s people and their talents
that are “making it happen” for Ceramco and for our customers. However, there is one person
whom without his genius, dedication and foresight it would have never begun… Our
founder: Dr. Anders F. Henriksen.
In 1973, Dr. Henriksen immigrated to Boston, MA from Denmark. Already possessing a M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, he later graduated from M.I.T. earning his Sc.D. in Ceramic Science in The Department of Materials Science and Engineering. He remained at M.I.T., until 1980, performing work in thermal analysis and hydrothermal processing of ultra-pure oxides.
In 1982 Anders relocated to Chatham, NH and began Chatham Technology, a consulting firm. Later that year he founded Ceramco, Inc., with its focus the manufacture of ceramic components using powder metallurgy and near-net shaping. Following Anders' passing in 2006, his son, Thomas Henriksen, assumed control. The company remains family owned and operated.
Ready to Make it Happen for You
Do you need a quotation on your print for an OEM ceramic part? Submit an RFQ now, or contact Ceramco. You'll be greeted by a courteous customer service specialist ready to provide immediate, personal assistance. Ceramco specializes in manufacturing OEM ceramic parts with complex geometries, matching the appropriate forming process to your order's specifications and quantity: